As the sun sets on another planting season, once again we are pleased to have completed our contribution to climate change by adding to the UK tree stock.
Our planting teams have completed in excess of 3000 trees this year.
Trees are essential to our ecosystem. They’re often referred to as the ‘lungs’ of the Earth because they’re able to store carbon and produce additional oxygen for our planet.
Trees also stabilise the soil and can reduce air temperature and humidity, as well as reducing flooding and improving water quality. Without trees, it’s likely that we wouldn’t be able to live on this planet at all.
A typical tree can absorb around 21 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, however this figure is only achieved when the tree is fully grown - saplings will absorb significantly less than this.
Over a lifetime of 100 years, one tree could absorb around a tonne of CO2.
While this seems like a significant amount, humans are creating about 40 billions tonnes of CO2 each year, meaning that we’d need to plant 40 billion trees annually to offset the emissions created.
Climate science is complex, and it is easier – at least in the UK – for people to agree on the need for action to combat climate change than to agree on the precise steps we ought to take.
One thing pretty much everyone will agree on is that we need to plant more trees.
Now that we are committed in law to net zero emissions by 2050, the imperative of tree planting has only got more urgent.
What can we do at home to help?
Luckily, there are some simple lifestyle changes that you can make to do your bit for the environment.
Cherries in Dollar - Robert Sherriff.
PLANT ONE TREE TODAY - If you're looking to reduce your carbon footprint and give back to the planet, trees are one of the most effective and personally beneficial ways to do it.
A nicer home, a better environment, and more money in your wallet...
Also, how many times do you log onto your computer or use your mobile phone to search for something on the internet?
It could easily be a few times a day, or even more. You could switch to the green search engine, Ecosia. For every 45 searches you make, Ecosia plants a tree. So far, the company has planted nearly 90 million trees across areas of the world that need them most, such as Ethiopia, Australia, Uganda and Spain.
Where possible, buy second-hand furniture instead of purchasing new and go paperless where you can. For instance, do you still receive monthly bank statements in the post? You can contact them to ask for a statement online instead.
To reduce the carbon emissions that you’re producing at home, you can hang your washing out on the line on a sunny day instead of using the tumble dryer and make sure that you and your family members turn the lights off when they’re not needed. In the winter, reducing your boiler’s thermostat by one degree could save you around 320 kg of CO2 each year.
We would love to hear ways you are reducing your carbon footprint and helping the environment around us….